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Sempaya Hot Springs, Semuliki National Park

Semuliki National Park

Semuliki National Park

Explore Semuliki National Park in depth from its history of establishment, location, size, altitude, unique attractions, animals, tourism activities, different available accommodation options, and how to get there. This complete Semuliki Valley National Park guide also covers the best time to visit the park, what to pack, and popular safari packages/itineraries to book.

Brief History of Establishment

In 1932, Semuliki National Park was officially established as Semuliki Forest Reserve. In 1993, it was upgraded to a National Park. Today, the stunning Semuliki National Game Park occupies a land area of 220 and is lying at an elevation range of 670m to 760m.

Location of Semuliki Valley National Park

Semuliki National Game Park is located in Bundibugyo district, Western Uganda. It lies close to Uganda’s border with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Lake Albert borders Semuliki Game Park to the North and the Rwenzori Mountains National Park to the East.

The park is found on the Albertine Rift Valley and comprises East Africa’s lush lowland tropical forest. This is the only tract of true lowland rainforest and features the section of the Ituri Forest with several Congo-Guinea species.

Semuliki National Park | Bird Watching, Adventure Uganda Safaris

Semuliki Game Park features two scenic rivers along its borders that is Lamia and Semliki Rivers. Semuliki is generally distinct from most of the Game Parks in Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania. It holds several of the Central African biome species.

Top Attractions in Semuliki National Park

There are a variety of tourist attractions to explore on Uganda safaris in Semuliki Valley National Park. They include wildlife/animals, flora/plants, hot springs, bird species, etc.

Semuliki National Park protects up to 53 mammal species, 441 species of birds, 235 species of moths 300 colorful butterfly species, and more. The park also boasts of its breathtaking Semuliki Valley, a 160-km-long valley that forms part of the scenic Albertine Rift Valley at Lake Edward and Albert.

The Semuliki Valley is a shared area between Uganda and DRC. It is around this area where the Central-East African biome dominates. The Ugandan side features the Semliki National Park largely dominated by natural rainforest and the Toro-Semliki Wildlife Reserve comprising largely East African savanna grassland.

Wildlife or Animals

Semuliki is a rich biodiversity destination in Uganda. The park holds over 53 species of mammal species and they include primates. The diverse animals in Semuliki National Park include blue duikers, dwarf antelopes, little collared fruit bats, forest-croft’s flying squirrels, red-colobus monkeys, vervet monkeys, elephants, chimpanzees, and forest buffaloes.

Semuliki National Park also shelters animals like the African civet, Mona monkeys, hippos, bush babies, bay duikers, and more.

Bird Species

Semuliki National Park | Bird Watching, Adventure Uganda SafarisSemuliki National Game Park alone provides refuge to over 441 species of birds. These include purple-breasted sunbird, swamp palm bulbul, white-starred robin, swamp palm bulbul, Sassi’s olive greenbul, African piculet, shoebill stork, orange weaver birds, crested malimbe, Ituri batis, yellow-throated cuckoos, black wattle hornbills, and spotted greenbul.

An additional list of birds to explore on Uganda tours in Semuliki includes the blue-headed crested flycatchers, Nkulengu rail, Gabon woodpeckers, Congo serpent eagle, Capuchin babblers, buff-spotted fluff tail, and more.

Semliki River

River Semliki is one of the best sites in the Semuliki National Game Park and is worth visiting on Uganda safaris. The scenic Semliki covers 140 meters and lies along the Uganda border and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

The Hot Springs

Sempaya Hot Springs, Semuliki National ParkThe Sempaya hot springs are notably the most popular attractions in the Semuliki National Park. This powerful hot spring consists of male and female, and is not far from the park offices. The female (Nyansimbi) is known for its powerfulness. It can be observed bubbling water up to 2 meters high. Visitors can get to the female hot spring on the 15-minute walk navigating through the palm forest from the Semuliki Game Park offices.

The male (Bintente) hot spring is accessible within 1-hour walk on the forest trail and swamp boardwalk. On an actual visit to the Sempaya hot spring, ensure that you go with some eggs and plantain for you to perform some experiments. When you dip an egg into this hot spring, it can take a few minutes and it will be ready for consumption.

Tourism Activities to do in Semuliki

Top safari/tourism activities to do in Semliki National Park include guided nature walks/hiking, game viewing, bird watching/birding, cultural/community visits, and more.

Bird watching/birding

Birding in Semuliki Valley National Park takes you on a search for your favorite birds. With an experienced park ranger guide, a bird-watching tour in Semuliki allows you to spot several bird species.

Among the notable birds to expect to explore in the diverse habitats in Semuliki include chocolate backed, Sassi’s olive greenbul, white starred robin, Maxwell’s black weaver bird, swamp palm bulbul, purple-breasted sunbird, Ituri batis, African piculet, and yellow-throated cuckoos.

Additional birds include lemon-bellied crombec, Eastern bearded greenbul, green-tailed bristle, Gabon woodpeckers, shoebill stork, orange weaver birds, simple greenbul, Ayer’s hawk-eagles, and others.

Wildlife/game viewing

Game viewing in Semuliki is a perfect way to get exposed to the park’s diverse savanna species and other wildlife. On a game drive/wildlife viewing in Semuliki, expect to enjoy great sights of wildlife including elephants, warthogs, birds, and buffaloes.

Nature walking

Nature walks offer a great deal for nature enthusiasts to explore the hidden treasures in Semuliki. On the actual nature walk, there are multiple hiking trails to explore including the Kirumia trail and, the 11 km Red Monkey Trail which connects up to the Semliki River. The Kirumia trail is best for birders and covers 13 km or embark on the 8 km Sempaya trail.

Boat ride excursions on Lake Albert

Besides walking safaris or game drives, Semuliki also provides the best boat cruise/ride experiences. The boat ride is done from Ntoroko along Lake Albert where you can stand a chance to watch some of the birds like the shoebill storks as well as hippos.

Cultural tours at Semuliki

Semuliki National Park offers more than a captivating birding expedition. Activities inside Semuliki can be incorporated with cultural experiences. Cultural tours can be enjoyed in the surrounding ethnic groups including the Batwa pygmies, Batuku, and Bwamba,

When to visit Semuliki National Park

Semuliki Valley National Park enjoys favorable weather conditions. The dry season is with no doubt the best month of the year to explore the Semuliki in depth. This is during the first phase of peak season which is from June, July, August to September, then December, January to February. Semuliki Game Park generally receives an average annual rainfall of 1250mm, especially from March to May. The annual temperature range stands at 18 degrees Celsius and 30 degrees Celsius (maximum).

Where to stay

The top lodges to book for a night stay include Campsites & Bandas run by Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA), Ntoroko Game Lodge, Semuliki Safari, and Nyati Game Lodge. It is possible to book a hotel or lodge in Fort Portal and you connect to Semuliki to enjoy your safari activities.

Top places to stay in Fort Portal include Kyaninga Lodge, Nyaika Hotel, Koi Koi Cultural Village Hotel, and Mountains of the Moon Hotel.

How to get to Semuliki National Park

By road, guests can reach Semuliki National Game Park starting from Kampala via Mityana-Mubende-Fort Portal city. From Fort Portal city, drive via the Bwamba road about an hour’s drive to the Sempaya. As you drive, expect to enjoy the dramatic views of the legendary Rwenzori Mountain ranges.

Visitors can also drive from Kampala via Masaka-Mbarara to Karagutu Trading Centre to Semliki. By air, take a scheduled flight from Entebbe International Airport (EBB) to Kasese Airstrip/Semliki Airstrip then drive to the park.

Overall, Semuliki National Park is one of the untapped destinations in Uganda. A visit to Semuliki guarantees you authentic wilderness experiences with a myriad of encounters from primates to bird species.

How much does it cost to go to Semuliki National Park?

Visitors on Uganda safaris to Semuliki are required to pay park entrance fees. The entry fees differ depending on the visitor category; the foreign nonresidents pay USD 35, foreign residents, children USD 5, residents USD 25 and East African citizens UGX 15,000.

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