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Kahuzi Biega National Park – Everything about this Congo Park:

Kahuzi Biega National Park isn’t only one of the biggest parks in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), but is also among the very few most biodiverse protected areas in Africa.

Kahuzi Biega National ParkKahuzi-Biega is most popular destination where the largest remaining population of the endemic and critically endangered grauer’s gorillas live.

The Geographical Location of Kahuzi Biega National Park;

Kahuzi Biega National Park is situated in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, near the border with Rwanda and is close to the scenic Lake Kivu in Bukavu town. Kahuzi-Biega National Park Congo was officially designated as a National Park in 1970 by Adrien Deschryver –the Belgian wildlife conservationist and photographer. Initially, Kahuzi Biega was a designated forest and zoological reserve in 1937 during the Belgian government.

Kahuzi-Biega features among the biggest protected areas in Congo, extending up to and is a recognized UNESCO Site since the 1980s. This protected area shelters valuable rainforest and distinct mammal species.

The Kahuzi-Biega National Park derives its name from the two dormant volcanoes that exist around its edges. These include Mt. Kahuzi and Biega. The park’s general landscape features lowland terrain and mountains. Kahuzi-Biega lies at an altitude of 3308m and 2790m, and receives an average annual rainfall of 1800mm. The temperatures vary from 18 degrees celsius and 10.4 degrees celsius.

The attractions in Kahuzi Biega National Park Congo;

Kahuzi Biega boasts of its diverse tourist attractions which include wildlife, birds, volcanoes, floral species and more. The most popular attractions in this park are the grauer’s gorillas (Eastern lowland gorillas).

Wildlife or Animals in Kahuzi Biega.

Over 137 mammal species, 350 bird species and other species thrive in the different habitats in Kahuzi-Biega National Park making it an exceptional African safari destination. These range across the park’s forest floors, mountains, marshlands and extensive swamps.

As of 2015, over 3800 Eastern lowland gorillas were recorded in Kahuzi-Biega and Salonga National Park. A significant population of these unusual primates thrive in Kahuzi-Biega with some families already undergone through habituation and currently, they are open for Eastern gorilla trekking.

Wildlife in Kahuzi BiegaThe Eastern lowland gorillas are a sub-species of western lowland gorillas. Within Kahuzi-Biega National Park, there are also several other primates and mammals worth encountering on your Congo tour. The additional primates include the eastern chimpanzees, owl-faced monkeys, pottos, olive baboons, Angolan black monkeys, and others.

Other mammals to encounter in Kahuzi Biega include the Alexander’s bush squirrel, bush elephants, forest hogs, bongos, eastern needle-clawed galagos, hylochere, forest hogs, and maclaud’s horseshoe bat. The Ruwenzori least otter shrew, giant forest genet, aquatic genet, buffaloes, Mount Kahuzi climbing mouse, hippos, and other mammal species all freely roam within Kahuzi-Biega National Park.

Bird Species.

About 349 species of birds survive within Kahuzi-Biega National Park Congo. These include a total of about 42 endemic species, especially the threatened Albertine owlet. The native species of avifauna like the yellow-crested helmet-shrike, the African green broadbill, the Congo peafowl, and Rockefeller’s sunbird.

Other birds to identify in Kahuzi-Biega include the Rwenzori turacos, martial eagle, handsome francolins, red-eyed dove, cinnamon-chested bee-eaters, yellow bellied waxbill, black-billed turacos, bar-tailed trogon, brown-throated wattle-eye, eastern nicator, and black cuckoo shrike.

This park also has birds such as elliot’s woodpeckers, grey-cheeked hornbill, African golden oriole, white-tipped crested flycatchers, eastern mountain greenbul, African yellow white-eye, and black faced rufous.

Additional bird checklist of Kahuzi-Biega include the Northern fiscal, Albertine sooty boubou, western citril, white headed wood-hoopoe, bracken warblers, equatorial akalat, barn swallow, sharpe’s sterling, and others.


Beyond mammals and avifaunal species, Kahuzi-Biega National Park also supports diverse floral species. These exist in the park’s varying elevation and comprise of bogs, swamps, marshland and riparian forests which concentrate around the hydromorphic ground.

Along the western lowland section of Kahuzi-Biega, there is a dense Guineo-Congolian wet equatorial rainforest which forms part of the Northeastern Congolian lowland forest Eco region. This area is a transition forest between 1200m and 1500, while the eastern mountainous sector covers the continuous forest vegetation from 600m to about 2600m.

The swamp and peat bog, mountain rainforest, swamp forest, high-altitude rainforest, bamboo forest, and subalpine heather all make up part of the Kahuzi-Biega National Park’s unique floral/vegetation types.

Activities to do in Kahuzi Biega National Park;

Kahuzi-Biega National Park features myriad of exciting things for enthusiastic nature lovers to enjoy including Eastern lowland gorilla trekking, nature walks, birds and hiking.

Eastern lowland gorillaEastern lowland gorilla trekking

Lowland gorilla trekking is the major tourism activities that visitors on Congo tour can enjoy in Kahuzi-Biega. This primate adventure involves spending quality time in the jungles searching for the Eastern lowlands with an experienced park ranger guide.

The gorilla families to expect to track/trek in Kahuzi-Biega include Bonnani, Mugahuka, Chimanuka, Nganwa and Mpungwe gorilla groups.

A valid lowland gorilla permit is essential when it comes to Eastern lowland gorilla trekking. The lowland gorilla permits for Kahuzi-Biega are available for booking at USD 450 per person, and you can obtain one through the reliable tour operator/company on ground.


Hiking excursions in Kahuzi-Biega Park involves exploring Mount Kahuzi on a single day. The hike comes with breathtaking views of Lake Kivu and Bukavu town. It takes you 3 hours to ascend to the summits of Kahuzi while navigating via the lush vegetation and bamboo forest.

Biega rises at an altitude of 2790m and expect to have 6 hours to and from the summits. Hikers pay USD 100 per single hike.

Bird watching

Bird watching in Kahuzi-Biega involves spending sometime in the wild as you search for different birds. On a bird watching excursion, expect to find birds such as the martial eagle, red-eyed dove, grey-cheeked hornbill, black-billed turacos, black cuckoo shrike, the green wood hoopoe, African golden oriole, baglafetch weaver, mountain yellow warblers, Albertine sooty boubou and handsome francolin.

Bird watching in Kahuzi BiegaOther bird check-list in Kahuzi-Biega include common kestrel, barred long-tailed cuckoos, Rockefeller’s sunbird, cardinal woodpecker, white-tipped crested flycatcher, cape wagtail, evergreen forest warblers, mountain buzzard, and grey crowned crane.

Birders can also search for birds such as cinnamon-chested bee-eaters, red-throated alethe, speckled mouse bird, mountain apalis, brown capped weaver bird, black-headed waxbill, Northern fiscal, rufous vented paradise flycatchers, Sharpe’s sterling, African pipit, golden winged sunbird, common barn owl, and others.

Nature walks

Embarking on a guided nature walk allows you explore the wonders of Kahuzi Biega National Park on foot. Tshibati Falls is the key area of interest when it comes to guided nature walks. It takes you 1-2 hours to enjoy a complete guided nature walk in/around the park.

Lwiro Primate Rehabilitation Centre Tour

Lwiro sanctuary is where a section of chimpanzees and some small primates are protected. They are among the rescued species and visitors pay USD 40 to be part of the visit to the rehabilitation centre tour.

Lwiro Primate Rehabilitation Centre TourWhen to visit Kahuzi Biega National Park?

Kahuzi-Biega is open for all holidaymakers throughout the year. But the dry season is the most favorite period of the year for tourists to enjoy the best of gorilla trekking, hiking and other experiences. The dry months of the year occur from June to September and December to February.

Where to stay in Kahuzi-Biega National Park?

The available accommodation options for tourists to book for a night stay around Kahuzi-Biega include Mount Kahuzi Hotel, Orchids Safari Clubs, Hotel Exodus Bukavu, Lakeside Hotel Bukavu, and others.

How to get there?

By road, you can drive from Kigali city via Cyangugu border to Bukavu town. This takes about 6 to 7 hours’ drive or begin your journey from Goma town to Kahuzi-Biega National Park. By air, you can fly up to Goma airport in Congo and drive to the park using a 4×4 safari vehicle.

How safe is Kahuzi-Biega?

Kahuzi Biega is open to guests, but before the actual visit, it is better to seek advice from your trusted tour company or the embassy of their respective countries. Visitors are accompanied by the park ranger guide on all the safari activities they engage in.

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